Our Activities
At Catrine Games Hall we provide sports activities, wellbeing classes, free children's clubs and community events. We are used just as much as a community centre as we are a sports facility, hosting NHS vaccinations, election polling station and various community group/school events.
We pride ourselves in providing the community with a facility that is easily accessible, and open to all groups that wish to use it. We, as a charity, feel it important to give our community as much opportunity for use, non-dependant on financial obligations. We take great care in ensuring we are affordable/free for all, ensuring we are as inclusive as possible.
We also feel it is of great importance to provide opportunity for volunteers and local employment in our community, sharing skills and expertise, teaching teamwork and confidence building and being a welcoming unit that is available to advise our community on opportunities that may be available to them.
Activity Providers
Are you an activity provider?
Can you offer an activity to our community?
Would you like to hire our halls?
We have various slots available for the main hall and the squash court. Competitive rates and free advertising on our Facebook page and web-site.
Get in touch: catrineght@outlook.com
Local Community Groups
Catrine Games Hall trust host "The Things Tae Dae" club weekly, a group based in Cumnock for adults with learning disabilities. Collaborating with the group and funders has allowed this club to use the hall free of charge until they secured funding. We can assist any groups to provide activities at an affordable cost.
Additional Support Needs
The ASN group have recently been taken under Catrine Games Hall trust umbrella and we secured funding to offer this class free of charge as a branch of our Mad Fab Club. A great service that assists children and parents alike.
Community Collaboration
Catrine Games Hall Trust collaborate with Catrine Schools, Active Schools, Catrine Community Action Plan Group and Catrine Community Council to provide activities for the community throughout the year. We attend quarterly village meetings which offers platform to the local businesses and community groups where we all discuss proposed events/activities and updates for the whole village.